A house perched on the cliff top
overlooking the best break on the coast.
Sand, sun, surfing, new mates.
For Moth Browne life couldn’t be sweeter.
Except for the RATS. Moth’s new home is
crawling with the creepy grey monsters.
And for Moth, the rats wreck everything.
They invade his room. Gnaw at his things.
They seem to lurk in the shadows wherever
he goes. Moth is totally freaked. He’s certain
they’re out to get him. But when Jaike,
the school bully, meets up with the rats,
things turn nasty – big time!
Will the rats ever go away? Will they ever leave Moth alone? Who will win the battle of the RATS?
Novel for ages 9+
Koala Books
ISBN: 08 6461 562 0
[ Currently OOP]
“Battle of the Rats is a beautifully designed, excellently crafted book for young readers between 10 and 14. It is modern, fast-paced and well written – an exciting adventure. The portrayal of responsible, loving parents, who discipline their offspring and set parameters, is honest and refreshing. While setting examples in their own lives, they attempt to make their son Moth come to an understanding of the important and worthwhile bonds of friendship and loyalty.” Dianne Bates, taken from her speech at “Battle Launch” 4.3.04
” …The “yuk” factor is strong in this tale, which is told realistically but also with humour, so that Moth, his family and friends (and the rats) spring off the page to create a lively and fascinating story. In the end one almost prefers the animal rats to the human ones! A story that is bound to appeal to many children, especially (dare I say) to boys …” Anne Hanzl Magpies Vol 19 Issue 2 May 2004
” … Battle of the Rats is an excellent new novel for 10 to 12 year olds. Young readers will feel their skin crawl as they encounter the rats (both animal and human) with Moth. A great blend of action and issue from outstanding author, Sue Whiting …” Sally Murphy – www.aussiereviews.com